A bank manager used to take all the cash to his home everyday and bring it back with him the next morning. He did this for a month and could not do it any more. He found himself trembling while driving back home and was not able to sleep at night with the money in his custody. He finally wrote a letter to his boss asking to be relieved of the job. His boss told him that even if the money was lost, he would not be blamed and that he could continue with his job. The manager slept peacefully from that day onwards.

Although he is doing the same job, the fear is not there any more. Why$%: Because the responsibility has shifted to a higher authority; that's all. This is what surrender is. Do your duty leaving the rest to God's Will or Existence.

If you are a non-believer, you may not even need to surrender to any God or to any Guru. Just understand that there is a life force conducting this world. It is this life force that is causing the breath that goes into you to come out, the food that you eat to digest, and to throw out the waste matter after digestion. There are in fact thirteen activities where you are not the doer. These functions are unaccompanied by the feeling of the ego, and you have no control over them. They are involuntary: seeing; hearing; touching; smelling; eating; moving about; sleeping; breathing; speaking; evacuating; receiving; or opening and closing of the eyelids.

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Simply surrender to this life force. The work that you do in your lifetime for your survival is lesser than the work required in converting a handful of food into blood inside your body. An interesting research was conducted by some scientists to simulate the process of a cow's conversion of grass into milk - inorganic matter into organic substance. They realized that the factory for it would have to extend to seven kilometers and for bread to blood, about three kilometers! This is the kind of mechanism inside you.

Do you think that the life force that sustains this mechanism cannot sustain our lives$%: It very well can. Only we don't have faith.

A seed has to surrender to the soil to grow into a tree. It has to have faith in the soil and allow itself to rupture in order to blossom as a tree. In the same way we have to place our faith in existence and surrender so that a new life, a life of eternal bliss can blossom.

How do you do it$%: Every time you feel heavy in the heart or mind, just tell yourself that the life force that runs through the world will take care of you also...and move on. That's enough. Please understand a deep Law of Existence that life does not allow turmoil to be permanent; only rest can be permanent. Try to keep your hands clenched. How long can you keep it$%: Relaxation is inevitable after a while. You cannot struggle and win.

Surrender is the opposite of struggle. It is rest. When you can rest without worrying about the past, present and future, through an understanding of the nature of things in its as-it-isness, you will see that your depressions and worries start disappearing, and in its place creativity blooming in you. A deep peace will then pervade your Being. You will begin to live in the moment.

Surrender is the short-cut to God! It is the ultimate technique to merge with Existence.

Be Blissful!

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